Journey to Foundation - Cargo Room and Destruction

I had the honor of working on Journey to Foundation alongside my talented colleagues at Archiact.

Here are some of the environments I've worked on based on great concepts from our concept art team with feedback and direction from Daniel Gerlitz and Yuriy Zadorozhny.

It was amazing to have the ownership of Cargo Area and bring it to life, done a lot of modular asets and used trim sheets to get the best performance.

This project was a massive team effort, a collaborative achievement, done by many great individuals and big thanks to the Art, Concept, Level, Lighting and Tecnical Art team.
Julia Bahdanava - Environment Artist
Johnny Rumeliotis - Junior Environment Artist
Brighton Vinet - Junior Environment Artist
Arnaldo Rodriguez - Lighting Lead
Duygu Tokmakkaya - Junior Lighting Artist

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Cargo Room

Before Destruction

Before Destruction

After Destruction

After Destruction